VRX, Inc. is proud to announce Gail Rodriguez, PE, has earned her Masters Degree, magna cum laude, in Civil Engineering. Gail was VRX’s second hire in our first year of business; she joined VRX in 2007 as a Structural Lead. She provides structural design & inspection services to clients … [Read more...]
VRX Environmental Staff Members Earn CPESC Certifications
VRX congratulates Environmental staff members Blake Crosby and Eric Huff for earning their Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) certificates. CPESC is the only professional certification the EPA recognizes as qualified to prepare stormwater pollution plans (SWPPPs). … [Read more...]
VRX, Inc. Receives 2019 CMAA North Texas Award for Environmental Management on TEXRail as a Sub to the Construction Manager/General Contractor
VRX, Inc. was honored to receive a 2019 CMAA North Texas Award in May 2019 for Program Management after providing successful environmental management for the 27.2-mile TEXRail project, a new light rail service extending from downtown Fort Worth, through 6 cities, to DFW Airport. VRX's client was … [Read more...]
VRX, Inc. Welcomes Katherine Holtz, P.E., as Director of Technical Training
Katherine Holtz, P.E., has joined VRX as Director of Technical Training to develop and implement technical training programs for VRX, our clients and partners. She recently retired from 25 years of service at TxDOT. She has extensive experience and knowledge in materials engineering, design-build … [Read more...]
VRX Played Key Role in the Opening of New DFW Airport Runway 17C/35C
VRX, Inc. is thrilled to have played a key role in the opening of DFW Runway 17C/35C. Our construction inspection team performed QA services for concrete placement, storm water piping, and other important elements. Five miles of runway will take you anywhere in the world -- and VRX is proud to … [Read more...]
VRX Team Provides Construction Management & Inspection for BS 71-F New Bridge over the Colorado River in Columbus, TX
On behalf of TxDOT's Wharton Area Office, VRX’s CEI team managed the construction of this $10.5M new bridge over the Colorado River in Columbus, Texas. The new construction occurred next to an existing truss bridge. VRX also oversaw the construction of the bridge approaches. Between the time of … [Read more...]
VRX Proud to be Part of DFW Airport’s 2018 ‘Project Team of the Year’
VRX, Inc. extends our sincere congratulations to Mariamma Thomas, P.E., CMIT, Abdullah Sayed, Jim "Sarge" Bales, and the rest of VRX, Inc.'s OUTSTANDING TEAM working to improve and maintain the infrastructure at DFW International Airport. Project Engineer Mariamma Thomas was named MVP during … [Read more...]
VRX Senior Environmental Scientist Cy Reichert Earns REM Certification
VRX, Inc. Senior Environmental Scientist Cy Reichert has met all requirements of examination, education and experience to become certified as an Registered Environmental Manager (REM). The REM certification is the highest professional/managerial level of distinction within the National Registry … [Read more...]
VRX Environmental Team Uses GoPros To Help Perform Migratory Bird Surveys
To keep our clients in compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), VRX environmental inspectors use GoPros to look up into trees to determine whether or not bird nests contain eggs. They view real-time GoPro footage on their phones or tablets, which allows them to perform MBTA surveys … [Read more...]
VRX, Inc. Wins a 2018 ACEC National Recognition & a 2018 ACEC Texas Engineering Excellence Gold Medal for IH 35E (35Express) Segment 3 over Lewisville Lake
VRX, Inc. has received two prestigious honors for our environmental compliance management services on 35Express. Our 2018 ACEC National and 2018 ACEC Texas awards entry focused on our environmental services on Segment 3. We are thrilled to have received both ACEC National Recognition and an ACEC … [Read more...]