Congratulations to our ACEC Texas Engineering Excellence Award-winning TxDOT San Antonio US 281 Segment 1 CEI team, led by our incredible PM Praxedis “Pete” Garza, PE!

From left, Carlos Ayala, PE, Garrett Clifton, Carol Garcia, Eddie Reyes, PE, Pete Garza, PE, and Jon King, PE, accept an ACEC Texas Engineering Excellence Award for the US 281 Segment 1 CEI project in San Antonio, Texas.
VRX won a Silver Medal for our comprehensive construction management of US 281 Segment 1, a $216M highway construction project — the largest let in the San Antonio District at the time.
VRX served as the prime provider on this urban transportation project, which was a testament to the exceptional collaboration between VRX, owner TxDOT San Antonio, and prime contractor Webber, Inc.
This highway construction project met its substantial completion milestone more than 100 days ahead of schedule, despite hundreds of unforeseen issues documented by VRX (~650 RFIs) and the Contractor (~350 RFIs) as well as 40 change orders that revised 900+ plan sheets. US 281 Segment 1 had a complex traffic control plan with more than 100 traffic switches, 273K SY of concrete pavement, and 45 retaining walls.
Congratulations to everyone in our San Antonio office and throughout the firm who has worked so very hard on this noteworthy project!
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