The existing Lake Crest Development in Fort Worth, Texas has experienced flooding due to insufficient storm water infrastructure. Design engineers developed storm water infrastructure plans to alleviate flooding, resulting in discharges to forested wetlands and other waters of the U.S. Permanent and temporary easement activities resulted in tree removal, requiring coordination with the City of Fort Worth’s urban forestry staff.
VRX delineated waters of the U.S., assessing proposed impacts to waters of the U.S. associated with storm sewer plans, developed a USACE nationwide permit preconstruction notification and mitigation plan and coordinating with the USACE to attain timely authorization. Delineations included defining the limits of forested and herbaceous wetlands, the ordinary high water mark along two stream reaches and the stream flow characteristics. USACE jurisdiction limits were mapped using sub-meter-accuracy GPS data and incorporated into a geographic information system so that the footprint and volume of fill within waters of the U.S. could be determined. Through coordination with design engineers, proposed discharges were minimized, allowing the project to be authorized under the nationwide permitting program. A mitigation plan, including purchase of mitigation bank credits, was prepared for USACE approval.
VRX also evaluated and documented the existing tree communities and determined anticipated impacts to the existing tree communities. An Urban Forestry Plan was prepared in accordance with City of Fort Worth Urban Forestry Ordinances. VRX coordinated the approval of tree removal permits from the city forester.