Streambed erosion in a residential portion of Richardson, Texas resulted in exposed sanitary sewer lines and a potential for sewer line failure and its associated pollutant discharge into a stream. Design engineers developed plans to provide cover over the existing sewer line; provided needed stream bank stabilization to ensure the integrity of the sewer line and protect adjacent properties; and restored stream bank stabilization through the modification of the existing grades and incorporation of permanent turf reinforcement and naturalized vegetation.
Design plans included a discharge of fill material to waters of the U.S. VRX was responsible for delineation of waters of the U.S., assessing proposed impacts to waters of the U.S. associated with stream stabilization plans, developing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permitting options and scenarios and coordination with USACE. Delineations included defining the ordinary high water mark along two stream reaches and defining the flow characteristics of the stream.
Prior to VRX’s involvement, a more intensive 404 Permit process was initiated. To determine the footprint and volume of fill within waters of the U.S., the limits of USACE jurisdiction were digitized on design drawings.
After submittal of VRX’s findings and careful coordination with the USACE, it was determined that preconstruction notification was not required. VRX prepared documentation justifying project construction under Nationwide Permit 13.