Tac Coat is the application of an asphalt binder (bitumen emulsion) between layers of asphalt pavement to create a bonded pavement unit. Tack coat glues the overlay to the bottom layer preventing that from sliding and delamination. This material prevents the pavement from structural distress, such as fatigue cracks, and reduces rutting and shoving. Tack coat not only increases the shear strength of the overlayed pavement but also reduces the amount of deflection in the pavement compared to when it’s not utilized. Moreover, tack coat helps the construction process of laying the new asphalt on the old pavement and compacting.
This course provides you with valuable information that will help you inspect this item of work. In this course, we delve deeper into acceptable requirements and criteria set by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for inspecting tack coat items of work.
Course Objectives
- Basic information about tack coat
- Different types of tack coat
- different applications of tack coat
- Transportation and equipment used when working with tack coat
- Inspection of tack coat item of work
- Acceptance and testing
- Measurement and payment
You Get
- Self-Paced, Online, On-Demand 3-hour Course.
- Easy to navigate using our Learning Management System.
- Learning Management System Login.
- The course is broken into video presentations lasting 5 -20 minutes.
- Quizzes ending every class module/Final Exam.
- Certificate of Completion that qualifies you to get an inspector level I Certificate.
- Reference Library.
- Downloadable Inspector Aides.
- Online VRX Institute support.
- Stop, start, rewind, retake classes.
Click below to see an example of the course content.
Course Fee: $300
Duration: 3 hours
7 video modules
Multiple Quizzes
Certificate of Completion
Pay online
Click here to see Payment Options and Refund Policy
Contact Information
Questions about the course may be sent to:
By Mail:
VRX Institute
Corporate Headquarters:
2500 N. Dallas Pkwy.
Suite 450
Plano, TX 75093
By email: