Every year, millions of lives are saved by the metal beam guard fence system along the roadsides. The purpose of a guard fence is to protect drivers who leave the roadway travel lanes from entering a steep slope, colliding with roadside objects, hitting a bridge rail end, and so much more. A high-quality guard fence absorbs the energy from the impact; containing and redirecting the vehicle back onto the roadway. One of the most important factors affecting the quality and functionality of a guard fence system is the proper installation of the system.
This course provides you with information about different types of metal beam guard fence systems and their components. You will get familiarized with the contractor’s installation process, and the equipment used. You will learn how to inspect this item of work during and after installation, and how to perform appropriate methods of measurement and visual inspections to make sure the system is in compliance with the guidance and recommendations. And finally, you will learn how to measure and pay for this item of work and perform appropriate documentation along with your inspection.
Course Objectives
- Identify different components of the MBGF system and determine why it is important to get the installation correct.
- Identify the contractor’s process and equipment used during the installation of the metal beam guard fence system including the guardrail end treatment.
- Summarize how to sample material for testing, and verify the material is from an approved supplier.
- Identify the proper placement and location of the metal beam guard fence system to ensure that it will work as intended.
- Identify how to inspect for compliance and key measurements.
- Determine contractor compliance.
- Calculate quantities to be paid and summarize for monthly payment.
You Get
- More than 3 hours of self-paced, online, on-demand course.
- Access to an Easy navigation Learning Management System.
- Learning Management System Login.
- The course is broken into video presentations lasting 5 -20 minutes.
- Quizzes ending every class module/Final Exam.
- Certificate of Completion that qualifies you to get an inspector level I Certificate.
- Reference Library.
- Downloadable Inspector Aides.
- Online VRX Institute support.
- Stop, start, rewind, and retake classes.
Click below to see an example of the course content.
Course Fee: $450
Duration: 3 hours
More than 15 video modules
Multiple Quizzes
Certificate of Completion
Pay online
Click here to see Payment Options and Refund Policy
Contact Information
Questions about the course may be sent to:
By Mail:
VRX Institute
Corporate Headquarters:
2500 N. Dallas Pkwy.
Suite 450
Plano, TX 75093
By email: