Under the North Texas Tollway Authority’s Maintenance Management Contract, VRX assisted the NTTA in determining priorities for the 2011 System Wide Bridge Repairs. Services included directing the examination of the condition codes, remarks and recommendations for repair from the existing BRINSAP inspection database; conducting supplemental inspections of areas identified in the inspection reports and identification of several decks in need of repair. VRX ordered chain drags, an accurate, in-depth, very low-cost, manual method of determining concrete deck slab condition, on the decks to determine the extent of concrete deterioration. Decks identified as needing repair included the Northbound IH 35E to Northbound DNT Ramp, Southbound DNT to Southbound IH 35E Ramp, Lemmon Avenue Overpass, Forest Lane Overpass and Inwood Road Overpass. Because ramp closures would impact the mobility of the system, hydrodemolition for concrete removal and Very Early Strength Latex Modified Concrete was proposed. A fast-track resurfacing can be performed in a weekend closure, adding 20 to 25 years to the life of the structure with minimal impacts on traffic. Training on hydrodemolition and fast-track resurfacing was provided to the MMC. The first project, Northbound IH 35E to Northbound DNT Ramp, will allow two weekend closures because this is a new technique for the contractors in Texas.