VRX is a subconsultant for two prime firms, providing Program Management/Construction Management (PM/CM) services for various rehabilitation projects at DFW International Airport.
These projects include airfield improvements, runways, aprons, terminals, facilities, and landside improvements. VRX provides construction management/inspection services and program/project controls for ongoing runway, taxiway, apron, drainage and terminal improvements. For example, our construction inspectors performed QA services for concrete placement, storm water piping, and other important elements on DFW’s new Runway 17C/35C.
We also provide construction management/inspection and program/project controls for projects involving DFW’s physical infrastructure assets, such as energy management, thermal energy production/distribution and spent aircraft deicing fluid collection systems.
In addition, VRX provided contract administrators who acted as an extension of staff. Our contract administrators reviewed and recommended for approval professional services invoices, contractors’ monthly pay requests, and reviewed all consultant/contractor change orders and extra work orders.