VRX assisted the North Texas Rail Group in environmental document development for an approximately 20-mile-long Federal Railroad Administration Class IV single track installation with passing sidings on new roadbed. VRX provided construction support to the North Texas Rail Group by evaluating three areas of conflict between new bridge construction and existing City of Denton raw water transmission lines.
Two structures were pedestrian bridges carrying hike and bike trail traffic over small creeks with proposed drilled shafts within 24 inches of the water line, without an acceptable tolerance for installation. The third conflict with the raw water transmission lines involved a commuter train guideway bridge with reinforced earth fill footings located over the raw water line. Because the superstructure elements (beams) had already been purchased, VRX redesigned substructure alternatives while maintaining the existing superstructure design.
Additionally, VRX reviewed and commented on sediment and erosion plans developed by independent engineers and provided recommendations to improve functionality while enhancing constructability of the rail lines. VRX prepared a Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) compliant SWPPP and Notice of Intent for the developing group. Additionally, VRX prepared an unanticipated hazardous materials management plan to assist the developing group in quickly and efficiently handling unanticipated hazardous materials that could be encountered during construction of the rail.