DART’s South Oak Cliff 3 (SOC-3) Extension added 2.6 miles of light rail track to the Blue Line, extending it from the Ledbetter Station to the University of North Texas Dallas Campus and adding two new stations. VRX, Inc. provided key System Integration Management services during the course of this two-year project. Our role included leading a group of professionals charged with testing and certifying as safe to use the new light rail systems.
Our staff reviewed the contractors’ testing and commissioning plans to ensure compliance with the operational requirements of the project and plans, implements, tests, and documents. We maintained agency-wide solutions for the total system throughout the project commissioning. The project included signals, communications, TPSS, SCADA, civil construction, and Fire Life Safety.
VRX also provided risk assessment and mitigation strategies to DART regarding various issues in the field. We also provided direction for design.
VRX staff analyzed and identified all or part of a project’s existing system requirements, considering special technology needs, and establishing functional and technical specifications and standards; solving hardware/software interface problems; defining input/output parameters, and ensuring integration of the entire system.
Our professionals were responsible for coordination between system and civil Contractors and operations on new and existing systems. They managed all aspects of rail activation such as new system start-up, track allocation, testing, and commissioning. VRX staff directed integration team start-up activities in the field and evaluated contract schedules for milestones during construction/testing phase of commissioning.