Spring Creek Parkway and Plano Parkway
VRX conducted a drainage analysis of existing drainage conditions at three previously-identified roadway flooding locations. The identified areas have received numerous complaints from traveling citizens due to the large amounts of water that ponds on the roadway during medium to long rain events. VRX was tasked with field analyzing the drainage patterns of the roadways, performing topographic surveys and identifying areas in the roadway where water would pond or have concentrated flow of water across the traffic lanes. VRX provided large-format exhibits of the roadway sections identifying areas of concern for the city’s review and provide preferred repair options. Following preferred repair method selection, VRX provided construction cost estimates for the selected method.
Los Rios Addition Phase 1
As a consultant to the City of Plano, VRX conducted a drainage analysis of existing drainage conditions for Phase 1 of the Los Rios Addition in the eastern sector of the city. Homeowners within the Los Rios Addition are experiencing large amounts water entering their homes from the city-owned and maintained alley adjacent to their properties. City staff was concerned that the water conveyed in the alley was exceeding the capacity of the alley. VRX was tasked with field analyzing the drainage patterns of the alley, performing topographic surveys, re-establishing the existing as-built drainage area map and creating the current drainage area map. Using Manning’s equation for open channel flow, VRX calculated and determined the current capacity of the alley and identified areas where alley capacity is exceeded and flooding adjacent property. VRX provided large format exhibits of the subdivision identifying the existing and current drainage areas and areas where alley capacity is exceeded for city staff to review. VRX met with city staff to develop multiple alternatives for alleviating the flooding areas. VRX then provided construction cost estimates for the selected alternative.
Ranch Estates
VRX conducted a drainage analysis of existing drainage conditions for the Ranch Estates subdivision in the eastern sector of the City. Homeowners within the Ranch Estates subdivision are experiencing excessive flooding and ponding of water within the roadway ditches of Ranch Estates Drive and Ranch Estates Circle, two uncurbed, 25-mph local streets through the subdivision. During large rain events, the ponded water exceeds the capacity of the ditches and overflows to the roadway surface. VRX was tasked with field analyzing the drainage patterns and ponding areas of the Ranch Estates Drive and Circle ditches. VRX performed topographic surveys of the ditches, surface utilities, inlets and culverts within the roadway. VRX also provided topographic surveys of adjacent properties and off-site channels to establish overall grade and drainage direction of the subdivision for potential repair option routes. VRX provided large-format exhibits of the subdivision identifying all topographic surface features, spot elevations and areas of ponding along the roadway. VRX also provided schematic-size existing profiles of the roadway ditches. VRX met with city staff to develop multiple alternatives for alleviating the ponding areas and explored cost-effective options for construction of new storm sewer, as needed. VRX provided construction cost estimates for the selected alternative.